Eating behavior and nutrition malpractices and lack of knowledge about iron rich food and methods which enhance or inhibit iron absorption amongst lactating mothers and their impact on iron status in 6 months-old children in rural area of Lwiro

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Céline M. Kavira
Augustin B. Murhabazi
Théophile B. Kabesha


A follow-up study was conducted in 136 lactating mothers at a pilot maternity in a rural area of South-Kivu, from 10th October to 4th December 2019. Hemoglobin concentration was measured using a HemoCue Hb 201+ system photometer on capillary blood.  Ferritin was adjusted for inflammation. C - reactive protein (CRP) was analyzed using spectrometers Genrui P54. Anthropometric parameters of mother and children were measured. Sociodemographic data and household data and, dietary habits information as well were collected using a structured questionnaire. Chis-square, Anova one way and post-Hoc and linear regression were performed to identify factors associated or correlated with anemia children. The overall prevalence of anemia in mothers was 37.1%. Of these, 15.9% had mild anemia and 21.2% had moderate anemia. The prevalence of anemia in 6 months-old children was very high 72.8%. Of these, 37.5% had mild anemia and 34.6% had moderate anemia. ID in lactating mother is 21.6%, with 1% of iron depletion. The chi-square result showed  statistically significant  between levels of education (p=0.047),  having habit of consuming more fruit (p=0.04),  selling crops ( p=0.046);  iron mother’s supplementation during pregnancy (p=0.02),  anemia of the mother (p<0.001),  and children’s  diarrhea (p=0.012) as well  were shown to be linked to anemia in 6 months-old children. In addition, Anova one-way revealed that the means of following variables were different: changing fish during pregnancy (p=0.017, F4.211), knowledge that tea inhibit iron utilization (p=0.046, f=3.147);) knowledge that  vitamin C-rich foods (fruits) enhance iron absorption (p=0.024, f=3.83). Education nutrition intervention is needed and health providers must insist on information regarding adequate foods intake of mothers during antenatal-post natal care, and during preschool activities as well.


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Comment citer
Kavira CM, Murhabazi AB, Kabesha TB. Eating behavior and nutrition malpractices and lack of knowledge about iron rich food and methods which enhance or inhibit iron absorption amongst lactating mothers and their impact on iron status in 6 months-old children in rural area of Lwiro. J. Med. Public Health Policy Res. [Internet]. 4déc.2022 [cité 23févr.2025];2(1). Disponible sur:

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